Rejected Deadpool Concept Art Shows New Costume And Stone Cold Steve Austin

From Jeff Wadlow's movie pitch.

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Although Deadpool finally came to the screen this year, and proved that R-Rated superhero films can be a big success, the chances of Tim Miller's film getting made were pretty slim.

Indeed, back in 2013, when 20th Century Fox were still unsure over whether they could commit to the project, they accepted pitches from other filmmakers. Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow was one, and now concept art from Kelton Cram shows what his movie might've looked like (via

The art shows off a couple of different suits for the Merc With A Mouth, displaying the evolution that would've happened during the film, and also lacking the trademark white eyes. Speaking with, Cram said of the suit:

"We wanted to try a completely new direction with the suit. More of an origin suit — a self-made, makeshift suit made from motorcycle gear. As with most origin stories, this suit would go through a transition, eventually becoming something closer to the one he wears in the comics."

On the topic of the white eyes, which do appear in the Miller version, he said:

"I think Jeff Wadlow was going for a more gritty/realistic approach. The white eyes are a bit campy, though I have to admit Fox and Marvel seemed to pull it off with Deadpool and Black Panther, respectively."

The other takeaway from the concept art is that the villains of Wadlow's film would've been The Marauders, who would've featured the character Random (shown in the art as former WWE star Stone Cold Steve Austin), and quite possibly Mr Sinister:

"I'm not really sure if he had a relation to the Sinister character. The basic idea was a merc with the ability to grow a weapon from his arm. And of course they wanted him to be huge! (Which is why I went with Stone Cold [Steve Austin] for the reference.)"
Deadpool Concept Art
Kelton Cram/Imgur
Deadpool Concept Art
Kelton Cram/Imgur
Deadpool Concept Art Random
Kelton Cram/Imgur

What do you think of the concept art? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.