In yet another bewildering bit of entertainment news, Mike Fleming of Deadline Hollywood Daily is reporting that Rob Cohen (Mummy 3, Stealth) and the infamous Michael Bay will be producing a big screen remake of the 1987 cheese-fest Monster Squad. Cohen, who was a producer on the original film, wants to direct this remake and has the blessing of original helmer Fred Dekker...
It'd be one thing if another filmmaker wanted to soil my sandbox... but if it weren't for Rob Cohen, the original movie would never have been made. So I don't begrudge him wanting to play in his own sandbox. I wish him well, and thank him for the opportunity he gave me in the first place.Like most crap from the eighties, this film has a devoted cult following primarily because it was played continuously on cable stations for years, imprinting itself on their collective psyches. The film is much worse than they remember. The makeup effects used were typical for the period, and the storyline is sub-Goonies. Nostalgia has a funny way of glossing over a lot of the defects, doesn't it? Someday all of this horrible cheese will be remade; I'm looking forward to a 3D remake of Ghoulies, which would be the official bottom of the barrel. So what can be done to make this remake of The Monster Squad worthwhile? Here are a few suggestions: