It seems that a lot of long in development films have received a kick in the pants recently and are starting to make proper steps towards the big screen. The latest is
Vin Diesel's other great franchise hope. With The Fast/Furious franchise taking care of business nicely (north of $500 million and counting), his other most popular character Riddick, who went from from lean sci-fi thriller Pitch Black to the bloated sci-fi opera of Chronicles of Riddick looks like he may be headed back to the big screen a lot sooner than anyone thought. Well, that's if Vin Diesel is willing to take a pay cut. All together now... "awwwwww". Diesel writes on his
Facebook wall to his 24 million fans, who would be crazy to have sympathy for him in this economy;
GRRRR D T (David Twohy) the writer/director just landed in New York with the good news. We can start filming this summer. However, there is a catch... in order for us to make a true R rated film, I must work for scale upfront. Not unlike the "Find me Guilty" experience (which I wouldn't have changed for the world)... Money is always second to art, integrity and spirit... but the real issue is deeper. Can I suspend my life, to momentarily venture to that dark place... called Riddick.
So the big man needs to take a pay cut in order to secure the R rating he and
David Twohy need to do this the way they want. Good for him, the concept and world Riddick lives in is rich for exploration but christ, man, does the fact you can only buy two houses from the paycheque rather than the usual three really justify a GRRRR?