Ridley Scott has been making movies for almost 40 years, and it goes without saying that his legacy is inestimable. He may never have won the Academy Award for Best Director, but that does nothing to deny the fact that he's made several of the 20th century's best films, and despite a more inconsistent run recently, has proven with The Martian that he's still got what it takes with the right script. With 23 films to his name, Scott's been a prolific filmmaker ever since he got started, responsible for some of the most iconic science fiction and adventure epics ever made, while thankfully for him, a good number of his failures were so slight that barely anyone saw them in the first place (and even less actually remembered that they saw them). He's a frustratingly all-over-the-place director at times, but as this list makes clear, he has more than his fair share of cinematic classics to his name, and hopefully he'll have at least a few more to send our way too...
23. A Good Year
A rare foray into the romantic comedy genre for the director, A Good Year unquestionably boasts a fab cast and plenty of lush scenery, but there's sadly very little to speak of beyond that in terms of substance or interesting, even likeable characters. For starters, Russell Crowe is forced to play an insufferably irritating protagonist, and the only actor even trying here (the lovely Marion Cotillard) sadly isn't stuck with a much more interesting character. Crowe and Scott in particular were the wrong picks for this project: it's admirable to see them trying something different, but the film is too bland and sterile to ever be of much interest. A curious failure and Scott's worst film to date, and the fact he only made it because he wanted to film something near his house is all the indication of its quality that you really need.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.