As an American born in the 80's with no direct ties to the United Kingdom, writing this for free, I believe I am the best person to write any article relating to Margaret Thatcher, who recently passed on April 8th. From my glib perspective, she was the Ronald Reagan from across the pond. Only she wanted the Berlin Wall to stay up. And unemployment rose. And she is responsible (and blamed by Argentinians) for the Falklands War. At some point during Thatcher's relationship with Reagan, the topic of movies had to have come up at some point. I'm sure Reagan probably lent her laserdiscs and VHS tapes of Kings Row,
Bedtime for Bonzo, or
Knut Rockne, All American. Thatcher, probably nodded and smiled politely and opted to view on of the following, as she probably loved them over Reagan's work. And she probably preferred soft-serve ice cream over jelly beans. Here are the films she may want to be buried with this coming Wednesday.
10. Brazil (1985)

Terry Gilliam's dystopian centerpiece, the second of his "Trilogy of Imagination", Brazil follows Sam Lowry. Sam is a low-level government employee who needs to solve an error in processing caused by a fly. Baroness Thatcher probably didn't like how big government was, but she would certainly have loved the efficiency of the government. It was all encompassing and efficient. They wouldn't let a single issue, like a transformed letter B, get in the way of what they were accomplishing: stomping out a potential terrorist. In addition to this, the way paperwork was so efficiently processed. If it weren't for the silly little fly, it would have been flawless. But the error was corrected in the end.