RIP Ray Harryhausen: His 10 Best Creature Designs

1. Medusa (Clash Of The Titans, 1981)

medusa2 There are so many iconic creations that have come to define this film that, for some, placing one above all others is like forcing a parent to pick their favourite child. Some will point to the scene where Pegasus takes flight, others will profess a soft spot for the mechanic owl Bubo ( which made a welcome return in Louis Leterrier's 2010 remake). And then there's the Kraken, the last of the Titans, who emerges from the sea to snatch up his sacrifice. Fans were quick to point out that the Kraken looked somewhat familiar; that its face resembled that of its predecessor (of sorts) Ymir. Of course, when the Kraken was worming its way into the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, it had come directly from the Greek myth. But Harryhausen's interpretation cannot be overlooked. And, while we're on the subject, surely there's more than a hint of Ray's legacy in Barbossa's Army of Shadows? Ultimately, the reason why Medusa, the snake-haired queen of the gorgons, claims the spot is because she is so horrifying, yet so wonderfully crafted. All of Harryhausen's monsters share that same quality; a jittery, not-quite-right-ness that really ought to detract from their credibility but, instead, only add to their appeal. Give me one of Harryhausen's horrors over a CGI monstrosity any day of the week.For it's that human touch, knowing that all those slight imperfections, those barely perceptible tics in every movement and every expression, are proof that there's someone there. And although the world of film has lost another great talent, we now need to cherish these 'imperfections' more than ever. clash of the titans
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit