Rise Of Skywalker: 13 Visual Dictionary Revelations That Change EVERYTHING

12. Exactly How Luke Could Teleport In The Last Jedi

Luke Skywalker Last Jedi Death Mark Hamill star wars

Luke Skywalker's death in The Last Jedi remains divisive as hell, but the thing Rian Johnson was going for, centred on the notion of him becoming the "legend of Luke Skywalker", versus the failed individual he starts out as.

To visualise this, we see him fade away after the battle with Kylo Ren, but the specifics as to this "Force Projection" technique are barely mentioned.

Earlier in Last Jedi, Kylo notes to Rey that she "couldn't be there" in front of him, because it would "take too much energy", but that's all we got.

Until now.

The Rise of Skywalker Dictionary goes into detail about a number of the "sacred Jedi texts" that Rey took from Ahch-To, with one detailing the history of the "Fallanassi", a group of all-female cultists who discovered the Force exists in two forms: the "Living Force" (what's used in combat, and the more commonly talked about version), and the "Cosmic Force" (a wider, galaxy-wide meshing of spirit on a different plain entirely).

Using a technique called "Similfuturus" that "requires extreme concentration and focus", "Luke pours his living Force presence into the all-encompassing Cosmic Force, bridging incredible distances. The transition is so complete that Luke gives his all into the Force, finding serenity in these final mortal moments and becoming one with the great beyond."

This makes the close of Last Jedi MUCH better, but you have to wonder how much was a retcon, versus what Rian Johnson knew was in the otherwise hand-waved away "sacred texts".

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