Robert De Niro: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

2. Richard Wells - Godsend

Robert De Niro Godsend To give De Niro his credit, there is nothing he won't try his hand at. Pretty much every caricature, every stereotype and every cliché have been explored by De Niro in his later years and in Godsend, he tries his hand at mad scientist. Of course he plays the mad scientist in a ridiculously melodramatic way that is unintentionally hilarious. The whole movie is implausible trash that should have been sent straight to a bargain bin rather than actually get a cinematic release - it surprisingly grossed $30 million at the box-office. In Godsend, a grieving couple go to De Niro's mad scientist in attempt to clone their dead son back to life - and the film is exactly as bad as it sounds - and far less fun. Poorly made and mostly forgotten, De Niro surely can't look back favourably on this one, even though he's not the worst thing in it. That dubious honour goes to the boy, who is about as likeable as a chainsaw-wielding Fascist.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.