Robin Hood Review: 2 Ups & 7 Downs
6. Taron Egerton's Surprisingly Dull Performance
Perhaps the most surprising negative of the movie is Taron Egerton's oddly charmless performance in the title role.
Literally his first lines in the movie are mumbled with an unfussed enthusiasm, and throughout the remainder he never really seems comfortable in the role.
We all know he can be charming and boast plenty of swagger, as evidenced by his work in the Kingsman movies, but his performance here is weirdly lacking in energy, perhaps in a misguided attempt to appear brooding.
The idea of a young Robin Hood isn't inherently awful, but jeez, Egerton's enthusiasm level rarely rises above that of an actor contractually obligated to appear.
Above all else, his work is proof that studios love to jump on trends and actors while they're "hot" rather than actually stopping to consider their suitability for a given role.