Rocky: Every Final Fight Ranked Worst To Best

5. Rocky Vs. Apollo Creed (Rocky)

Rocky 1976

Watching the very first Rocky film, it's surprising how little boxing there is in it. But no matter -- the final heavyweight fight, fought between the embattled underdog and the cocky champion Apollo Creed, more than makes up for that.

Brilliantly choreographed by both Stallone and Weathers, the fight still feels tense and fresh to this day, allowing two radically different fighters (and men) go toe-to-toe in a battle that means more than either men could possibly know. This clash starts it all, and though it was topped, it's too good to discredit.

Like all the best battles the franchise has had, the first meeting between Balboa and Creed is more about the emotion behind it than the fight itself, but in this case the fight is almost as strong as the meaning. It still (apologies) packs a punch.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.