Rorschach in 300 Trailer! What's going on?

rorshach_badge_sm3.jpgSomehow I completely missed this yesterday, so you have probably all seen this, discussed it, digested it and moved on but still...

CHUD through Filmstalker have found the interesting image of Rorschach from Watchmen in the trailer for 300. You can see the trailer below, the image is at 1m 52 secs but really you don't need to (unless you want to see some great 300 action also!) because AICN posted a test image that comes from Zack Snyder himself which is at the top of this very post.

Even though I'm not even that big of a fan of Watchmen, the image still gave me goose bumps. I've now got the urge to go out and read the masterpiece again. It's not so much Rorschach that looks great, it's the whole setting behind it. The city feels alive and breathing far more than Sin City or 300. It feels almost like a film noir or Gotham city like place, and it's only from one test still image! Snyder... you shouldn't tease us like this. source - filmstalker, chud, aicn

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.