Rumor #3 -Bruce Campbell to direct Spider-Man 4?

Cinema Blend are reporting that IF Sam Raimi doesn't return to helm Spider-Man 4 and decides to do another project like Clash of the Titans then it will be his 'best pal' Bruce Campbell heming the picture. NO WAY GUYS. Ain't happening. Bruce Campbell will not be directing Spider-Man 4. Sony would never give such a huge franchise to the director of The Man With the Screaming Brain. Ya know I love Bruce Campbell and I think he's the coolest guy to walk the planet and I love to see him as the villain Mysterio in an upcoming movie but BRUCE CAMPBELL WILL NOT DIRECT SPIDER-MAN 4. One more time... BRUCE CAMPBELL WILL NOT BE DIRECTING SPIDER-MAN 4.


Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.