Variety now running blog style rumour stories it's very difficult to know who to trust on the web when outlets cite 'exclusive scoops' and 'inside sources' but ever since Latino Review scooped before anyone in July 2006 that Heath Ledger would be The Joker in The Dark Knight, they've gained huge credibility in my eyes and to be fair they've rarely let anyone down since. According to their
current sources in the know, the terrific
Edgar Ramirez whose intense and powerful performance in last year's Carlos was a complete and total dedication to one's craft, is apparently being eyed for a villain role in
Zack Snyder's reboot
Superman: The Man of Steel. LR remind us that with security so tight on info leaks we should treat this story firmly as rumour for now as they don't even know whether Ramirez is circling the role of Zod (believed to have been offered
and turned down by Viggo Mortensen) or even if he's held talks with WB but the potential casting has us very much salivating at the mouth. I remember the hostage scene in the middle of Carlos where The Jackal holds up Middle-East leaders in Vienna and that's General Zod right there. The power to bring a room of powerful figures to their knee's, to be terrified and worried to the bottom of you core about this unpredictable, manic force who looks straight through you and understands your weakness. That is Zod, and I would kneel to him...

So we have to do a lot of ball playing with this rumour but one thing we do know for sure is that Ramirez is very much in the minds of Warner Bros as he has a major role in the
Clash of the Titans sequel that's currently shooting in London. So WB know of him, I imagine Snyder/Chris Nolan know about him, and he was so great in the five and a half hour Carlos mini series that we seriously aren't surprised Hollywood are coming his way with big offers right now. Snyder has so far nailed down
Henry Cavill as his Man of Steel,
Kevin Costner as Pa Kent and
Diane Lane as Martha Kent... and we imagine the villain role is the one he is trying to lock down right now. Losing out on Mortensen was a blow but the hiring of Ramirez, who despite appearing in The Bourne Ultimatum and Domino and a few other Hollywood fare, is still very much a fresh face with audiences and will surprise many as Zod. The next Javier Bardem of Hollywood? Possibly... let's hope this works out.