Sam Raimi: Ranking His Movies From Worst To Best

11. Darkman (1990)

url-6 Raimi's second entry into the world of high-money Hollywood, this dud starred a young Liam Neeson and was generously called 'a modern day Phantom of the Opera'. I remember little of Darkman, except for a finger-breaking scene that to this day I still consider one of the lamest-looking finger breaking scenes ever. Funnily enough, Bruce Campbell was once again rejected as the leading role by Raimi's employers, but at least he can say he was second choice to Liam Neeson. Raking in double what it cost to make at the theater, it did at least give notice that Raimi may not know much about authentic finger-breaking effects, but he and Liam Neeson were able to film and carry a movie that sold tickets, which ultimately by Hollywood standards is all that really matters.

Been there, done that but not too well. Continually financially restrained. Now (and still) lives in Western Canada and talks some hockey and parenting on and watching trailers on