Sam Rockwell: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 You Won't Remember

4. Awesome- Galaxy Quest

In Galaxy Quest, Rockwell steals nearly every scene he is in as Guy Fleegman, an out of work actor who attempts to horde in with the cast of the titular sci-fi series. In what turns out to be a real life mission, the cast (including Tim Allen, Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver) are beamed up to the far reaches of space, with Fleegman tagging along, to help save a race of aliens from extinction. Rockwell plays this part with terrific tongue-in-cheek humour and has easily some of the most quotable lines of dialogue in the movie. During a frantic scene where hero Tim Allen is doing battle with a deadly rock monster, Rockwell pipes in and recommends Allen "construct a weapon by forming a rudimentary lathe". Rockwell brings the goods over and over again with spot-on comic timing, slapstick and genius delivery, and he shines in this outstanding gem.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.