Sam Rockwell: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 You Won't Remember

2. Forgettable- The Sitter

Another example of Rockwell's talents and promise being wasted on lame material comes with his performance in this comedy dud from 2011. In this Jonah Hill vehicle, Rockwell plays Karl, a fun loving over the top drug dealer who ends up scouring the city looking for Hill's character after he inadvertently steals a batch of cocaine from Karl's lab. Rockwell chews up the few scenes that he is in with as much tenacity as he can muster, but his character is a stock cardboard cutout of every movie bad guy bent on revenge, and not even the deft skill at comedic rage of Rockwell can save himself or this flat liner of a movie from being anything less than forgettable.

Kyle Hytonen is a film school grad, an independent film-maker, photographer and sleeper-inner.