Sam Wilson's Captain America: 10 Things Fans Need To Know

5. Aerial View

Sam Wilson Captain America
Marvel Studios

Okay, this entry is merely random trivia about Sam Wilson. It’s a disservice to anyone reading this not to include it though, so here it goes.

In the comics, Sam Wilson is gifted the ability to connect to birds telepathically. He actually is not capable of flying himself in early stories. Falcon commands birds to scout and attack. He can look through their eyes to get an aerial view.

Yes, it’s weird. No one should pretend otherwise. However, keep it in mind, because it means Sam Wilson is a super-powered hero in early concepts. In the movies, the power is replaced with a falcon-Esque drone, but that ability will still come into play. Hopefully, Red Wing will make more appearances now that Wilson is the new Captain America. His Falcon tools won’t just sit on the sidelines because of the shield.


I'm a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia. I write and film on a number of topics. Currently, you can find my work at Dissecting the Director YouTube page, The Binger YouTube page, and