Samuel L Jackson: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

5 That Sucked

5. Derrick Vann - The Man

Though Jackson is now legitimately the highest grossing film actor of all time, it is curious how many times he seems to consciously take on contracts that are beneath him, particularly when his career seems to be on the high. Regardless of his astute association with star-making franchises like Star Wars and the Marvel series, he is worryingly attracted to mediocre wage-packet jobs like The Man. The mistaken identity "comedy" feels like a zany American Pie meets Last Action Hero cross-over, which escalates quickly and descends into a serious of unfortunate events that lack emotional impact or actual dramatic tension. The whole thing feels like a brainless rehash of every fish out of water crime caper, without an ounce of self-awareness, which might just have saved it a little. The film is silly without the smarts to balance it, the script is abject and lazy, and it's as washed out as comedies get, which isn't helped by the fact that Jackson might as well be wearing a T-shirt with "This is paying for my next car" on it.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.