San Diego Comic-Con 2016: 10 Things That Must Be Announced

9. First Justice League Footage

SDCC Wishes
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Announcement: Though it doesn't release until next November, Zack Snyder shows up to drop the first sizzle reel of footage for Justice League (which naturally ends up on YouTube in potato quality about 10 minutes later).

How Likely Is It?: Remember that Snyder first showed off Batman V Superman footage back at Comic-Con 2014, about 20 months before the film's release and only two months after principal photography had started.

Justice League has now been filming for about three months and is "only" 16 months away from release, so theoretically Snyder could have a decent amount of material show off, or at the very least a stylish proof-of-concept teaser.

Considering that Warner Bros. need to fight a strong PR offensive following BvS' disappointment, it would probably be a wise move to start promoting Justice League immediately, and they surely are aware of this. 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.