Sandra Bullock is one of the most recognized leading ladies in all of Hollywood. With a career that began in the late '80s, Bullock has been in over forty films since she made her debut. Bullock has, rather amusingly, both an Oscar and a Razzie under the belt that she gained during the same week, so it's not unfair to say that she has made both excellent and terrible films. Her upcoming film Gravity (directed by Alfonso Cuaron and co-starring George Clooney) hits US theatres today, which makes it the perfect time to take a look back at this actresses' best and worst filmic efforts so far. This was not an easy list to compile, as Bullock has had many successes and failures over the past 20 years. There are two types of Sandra Bullock movie: ones that I like to call "Frumpy Sandra" movies, where Bullock plays non-traditional leading ladies who are not classically hot or stupid. The others? I like to call them "Cheek Bone Sandra" movies, where Bullock is playing an uptight mom or an FBI agent or Ryan Reynolds' boss. So without further adieu, join us as we take a look at 5 awesome Sandra Bullock performances, and 5 performances that totally sucked...