Saw X Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs

3. Several Of The Traps Don't Deliver

Saw Eye Vacuum

As ever, the trailers preceding Saw X promoted the best of the movie's traps, teasing audiences with some of the bloody depravity to come.

Unfortunately, several of these don't quite deliver.

In particular, the eye vacuum, which has been the big headline piece featured heavily in most of the marketing material, is a red herring. Dispatched in record time at the beginning of the film, X's most ingenious and gloriously depraved device turns out to be naught but a fantasy concocted by Kramer as a possible yet ultimately unrealised punishment for a potential victim.

The final trap, the details of which we will keep under wraps, disappoints in other ways. Acting as a secret test for two of the film's primary characters, the last trap of the movie is a bit of a damp squib. It is not only basic and thoroughly underwhelming, but leaves a certain character's fate -- and, thus, the audience -- in the lurch, denying any sense of closure.

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Saw X
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