Scream: Every Killer Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Richie Kirsch (Scream 5)

Scream 2 Mickey

Many fans suspected that Jack Quaid would be one of Scream 5's killers the moment that he was cast, enough that his obvious casting - known for playing "nice guys" yet touting enough of an edge to plausibly play a psychopath - almost seemed like a red herring.

But alas, it wasn't.

Given that Scream 2022 spends most of its runtime skewering "requels," it's fitting that the movie effectively repeats the boyfriend-as-killer twist from the original movie, and Dewey (David Arquette) even called it early on.

Richie is certainly likeable enough before the reveal that it hits hard when he turns out to be one of the two killers, and he's got an amusingly topical motive as an aggrieved Stab fanboy who kills people in order to generate new material for the next Stab movie.

Yet he's ultimately less fun than his partner-in-crime, Amber (Mikey Madison), and doesn't make too much of an impression once his guilt has been revealed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.