Scream: Every Killer Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Amber Freeman (Scream 5)

Scream 2 Mickey
Dimension Films

Scream 5's Amber gets major credit for being the first Ghostface to kill one of the series' three major characters, when she brutally slaughters Dewey at the end of the second act, complete with the chilling one-liner, "It's an honour."

Amber also gets the distinction of having the most shocking killer reveal in the series, when she suddenly pulls out a gun and shoots poor Liv (Sonia Ammar) in the head, which no matter your opinion on guns in Scream, is one of the franchise's top-tier "Holy s**t!" moments.

In the vein of her predecessor Jill, Amber is an entertainingly insane young woman who, like Richie, got a little too obsessed with the Stab movies for her own good, assuring the audience that toxic Stab fans aren't merely limited to angry male incels.

Amber also benefits from the best and most outrageous Ghostface death, given that she's set on fire by Sidney and Gale (Courteney Cox), horribly disfigured as a result, and then finally shot dead by Tara (Jenna Ortega).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.