Screen Gems want to give us The Big Chill once again

big_chill_ver1.jpgLawrence Kasdan's 1983 movie The Big Chill will receive the remake treatment thanks to Screen Gems. Although when you read the scoop from Variety below, you have to really wonder if this is actually a remake after all...
The movie will likely be retitled, but the original script by Kasdan and Barbara Benedek will be used as a template; the storyline will be contemporized and the cast will be African American.
I've never seen or heard of the original which apparently revolves around seven college friends who reunite over a weekend for the funeral of a friend who committed suicide. Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, William Hurt, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin Kline starred in the movie along with poor Kevin Costner, whose scenes were left on the cutting room floor! This remake is set to have the same ensemble feel, with Regina King being the first cast as she is producing the film alongside her sister and also Stomp the Yard producer William Packer. The characters will be aged in their 30's, with music said to be a big part of the film as it was in the original as it often reflects what was happening to the characters on screen. The Big Chill any good then for anyone who has seen it? Could this movie make a good remake in the way they are adapting it?

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.