Seeking a Friend for the End of the World Review
It's not life changing, but it's certainly worth the precious time you have before any apocalypse really happens.
rating: 4
The end of the world has fascinated humans inexplicably for thousands of years. What is it about the topic that is so enticing? Films dealing with the apocalypse tend to be big budget action films where the crisis is conveniently avoided just at the right moment. Very few filmmakers (or studios backing a film) have the guts to go all out and make an end of the world movie actually about the end of the world. There won't always be Bruce Willis to save the day. "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" isn't afraid to take risks along the way to keep itself apart from the average rescuing the world flick. In fact, the entire apocalyptic backdrop isn't the main conflict of the film. Sure, it's what causes all of the action, but the film is about regret, love, and the choices that make life meaningful. Unlike its awful broad trailers, this is a sweet film that takes the viewer to emotional places and tells its story unflinchingly every step along the way. The plot is quite brilliant - the last efforts to save earth from the impact of an asteroid are thwarted and now everyone has to live their last month out however they please. As one could reasonably assume, this results in growing chaos and an increasing disregard for human decency, responsibility, and loyalty. We are first introduced to our protagonist, Dodge (played by Steve Carrell), as his wife leaves him upon hearing the apocalyptic news. He muses about the irony of this considering he got married so he wouldn't have to die alone. Dodge ends up receiving some of his mail that was accidentally delivered to Penny (Keira Knightley) who lives in the same building. There he finds a letter from his old sweetheart - the one that got away. Dodge and Penny form a partnership as they escape a riot and go in search of this woman. As they go on their apocalyptic roadtrip, we are introduced to a variety of characters and ways to deal with death.