SERIOUSLY, Snoke Is Not Darth Plagueis (Now With Proof)
So says LucasFilm. Get over it.

Sometimes if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and tastes like a duck, it's actually not a duck.
No matter how many times you come up with complex theories proving that Snoke from Star Wars: The Force Awakens is actually Darth Plagueis, and no matter how hard you wish it, it's just not true. And that's from an actual Creative Executive at LucasFilm, who probably should know what he's talking about.
According to Pablo Hidalgo, the question of who Snoke is will remain unsolved at least until Star Wars: Episode VIII, because the Plagueis theories are off base. Even if he was vaguely mentioned in Revenge Of The Sith, and would totally fit... none of that matters.
And why does his word matter? Well, because he's basically the head honcho of the LucasFilm Story Group - the organisation who are responsible for saying what is canon and what isn't. There literally isn't a more qualified Star Wars expert in the entire universe.
The big theory that would explain Plagueis' appearance suggests that his knowledge of conquering death means he could self-resurrect like a big intergalactic Jesus. Unfortunately, that - according to Hidalgo - makes no sense, and unlike in Game Of Thrones, dead really is dead in Star Wars...
There is of course a chance that Darth Sidious' tale of killing Plagueis wasn't true, and he simply took a nasty gash to the face - or at least there would have been if Hidalgo hadn't also accounted for that one too...
That's that then, debunked as firmly as you're likely to see. Unless he's lying. Which he's not, but some fans absolutely won't give up on the fact (as evidenced by that thread in its entirety...)
Anyway, why would Star Wars limit a potentially brilliant spin-off Anthology movie by having a key death in it not actually happen? The story of Darth Sidious' rise would make an excellent expanded universe film, so let's just hope we'll see Plagueis in that instead.
So yeah, best move on from that one and continue studying tirelessly to prove that he's actually Jar Jar Binks or something. Use your powers for good.