Sex and the City movie being scripted?

sex.jpgEvery now and then, rumblings and rumours about a possible Sex and the City movie hit the Internet, only to drift away as quickly as it came, presumably untrue. Today though, the latest rumblings about a prospected feature movie at least has some quotes! Mario Cantone who played the character of Anthony Maratinto (who?) said this to Worst Previews... "I know the script is being written and I know it will be brilliant because Michael Patrick King is writing it. I know that I'm in it. I have a nice part in it, I'm told. If it happens, we should film it in the early fall I think, but I hope it stays on course because I would love to do it.€King apparently was the director, producer and writer for much of the series so I guess if he is pushing ahead with the movie, then it must be happening. Obviously I'm a man, so I have absolutely no interest in seeing this feature at all but for those of you that are fans of the series, does the prospect of a feature movie excite you at all? Could the setup of the show even work as a movie? source - filmstalker, worst previews

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.