Shang-Chi: 10 Things You Need To Know

8. He Can Also Dodge And Deflect Bullets

Marvel Comics Shang Chi
Marvel Comics

Shang-Chi is also gifted enough to defy the consensus that any prolific martial artist can be bested just by pointing a gun in his direction. He is capable of dodging bullets, including ones fired from sniper rifles. He is also in the possession of some specially made metal braces, meaning he can deflect gunfire as well as dodge it.

For a bunch of decades now, martial arts movies have sought out ways to address the what-to-do-against-guns issue. Franchises like The Matrix took it to the extreme, to the point that the guys with the guns became severely out-matched against their unarmed targets.

The Shang-Chi movie has the opportunity to re-invent the concept one again. With the MCU tending to mix the fantastic with the scientifically plausible, it will be interesting to see how they visualise this essential characteristic.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at