Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings: 10 Major New Details You Need To Know

9. The Mandarin May Have Already Been Revealed

Shang-Chi Comic
Marvel Comics

The Mandarin was first alluded to in 2008's Iron Man when a terrorist group known as The Ten Rings kidnapped Tony Stark. From there, Marvel Studios seemed to forget all about The Mandarin until 2013's Iron Man 3 when A.I.M.'s Aldrich Killian was revealed to have hired an actor to play the role of that villain (in a bid to mess with the Armoured Avenger).

The "All Hail the King" One-Shot confirmed that there is a real Mandarin, and while Iron Man may now be dead and gone, the villain will play a key role in Shang-Chi courtesy of actor Tony Leung.

The Mandarin will train Shang-Chi as his apprentice after his daughter befriends the street urchin, and thanks to CBM, we have what appears to be a first look at the villain suited up and ready to take the fight to the hero when he inevitably turns his back on the leader of The Ten Rings.

He definitely looks a little different to his comic book counterpart, but that change was inevitable considering how clichéd that version of the character is in terms of his "Fu Manchu" style appearance!

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.