Simon Wants Your Festive Opinions

So, what's the best Christmas movie of all time?

We receive a lot of things at Obsessed Towers these days- some films that never see the light of day on the site, whether for reasons of timing (this is a labour of love for us writers and unfortunately day jobs dont allow for the 24 hour daily film fests that we want) or for the simple fact that they are so shit that no words at all say more about these films than some septic scathing remarks about their lack of direction or skill. 51ls0Qfy8TL__SL500_AA240_ When the newly restored colourised version of It's A Wonderful Life hit the shaggy mat at the front door, my heart sank, and I smelled a bad review at best on the horizon. Some things shouldnt be played with, and the eternal etherealism that memories of that movie evoke in many a film fan will now be sullied by the unnecessary of colouring it in- the bleak message of that film is beautifully conveyed by the palet. And, damnit, it is somehow more Christmassy to see that definitive scene when Jimmy Stewart's George Bailey runs through the streets, the goodness of life still freshly engrained onto his mind by Clarence Oddbody, AS2. It's A Wonderful Life is a wonderful Christmas movie- though it isnt exactly as uplifting as some would have you believe- and you'll find out in minute detail exactly what I think of it in the coming weeks, but this whole debacle has got me thinking about Christmas movies. I want to know what you lot out there think is the best Christmas flavoured movie of all time- we're going to be getting well into the season of giving next month, presenting a list of the best ones (with reviews for the top ten) along with your choices, God willing. So, get out the Santa hats, and let me know... And if you're actually interested, It's A Wonderful Life is available to buy for the first time in colour right now, from all good stockists, and some shit ones as well.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.