According to Deadline (some have already had their time in front of camera, others will continue throughout the week)... John Krasinski (30) from The Office...

Which is odd, because he belongs on the geek/everyman side of things and is so far away from the All American, rugged, imposing actor who you believe could bring a legitimacy to the iconic red, white and blue suit. I love the guy and everything but I've been pushing for him to star in the new
Ghostbusters franchise rather than as Steve Rogers. If I were
Joe Johnston - I would already have a huge pre-conceived notion of what a likeable comedic actor like Krasinski could bring to the table and I would have a completely separate idea of what Steve Rogers would be, and I just don't think they could match. Krasinski would need to pull out all the stops on his screen test just to wipe off his current image.
Mike Vogel (30) - Cloverfield, Texas Chainsaw Massacre redo...

He was the runner-up to
Chris Pine for the role of Captain Kirk in the
Star Trek series. Vogel has big ambitions and is always around for these audition days but has found himself second best on a number of occasions. I've enjoyed his small CV of film roles and he is a good contemporary actor. Definitely worth a screen test and I wouldn't be overly surprised if he snuck it.
Chace Crawford (26) from Gossip Girl...

He is about to lead a remake of
Footloose and is known worldwide for starring in
Gossip Girl. Is this guy ever worth consideration?
Scott Porter (30) from Friday Night Lights, Speed Racer...

Porter auditions for every comic book role under the sun. I am led to believe - he tried out for all the male parts in the
Justice League movie that
George Miller was putting together a few years ago and if my memory serves me right - he won the
Superman role. Or did he just miss out - jeez, I can't remember. Anyway - luck isn't on this guy's side, so whatever happens - he's likely not to win the gig.
Patrick Fleuger (26) from The 4400, Brothers.

Just plain don't know him. Looks too young for a Captain America in my mind.
Garrett Hedlund (25) from Friday Night Lights, upcoming Tron Legacy

Well physically - he is probably more suited to the part than any other actor on the list and has a bit of buzz from his major role in the upcoming
Tron movie at Disney. Having a studio take a big risk on you for a major motion picture is of great importance in your bid to win a part like this. However it would seem scheduling difficulties has blocked him from screen testing, which certainly won't help his cause.
Michael Cassidy (26) from Smallville, The O.C.

Really, really don't know this guy. Though
The Hollywood Reporter does inform us he is a big comic book fan having appeared in
Smallville and the comic book movie
Zoom, along with auditioning for the Superman role during
McG's time on the property.
Jensen Ackles (31) from Supernatural, My Bloody Valentine 3-D

A long time favourite among OWF readers (seriously, his name was always mentioned by one of you guys everytime I spoke of casting for
Captain America) was said to be among the running until recently when scheduling conflicts scuppered his auditioning chance. All of the above actors that are to be screen tested had to sign a 30 day holding deal contract, basically so none of them can go and do a
Ryan Reynolds and take publicity away from Cap by signing on to play
The Flash or
Superman at Warner Bros/DC. The embarrassment of Reynolds agreeing to be Hal Jordan for DC and going ahead with that comic book movie before a
Deadpool spin-off still stings in the Marvel offices.

The screen testing of unknown actors mirrors the process Marvel went through on
Thor (which similarly cast
Chris Hemsworth - though he originally didn't make it as far as the screen test, and was fortunately cast after the producers agreed to re-watch the audition tape they originally rejected, so Steve Rogers might well not come from this pool) and the offer for the guys whose surnames aren't Krasinski or Chawford on this list is a paultry $300,000 for the first movie. A pretty incredible low offer for a summer blockbuster, especially when they want the actors to commit to a ten movie contract - similar to the one (minus the cash) that
Samuel L. Jackson signed last year. This money issue probably explains why it's mostly third tier actors who Marvel are considering and not the likes of
Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Viggo Mortensen or the perfect perfect guy for the part -
Aaron Eckhart. They want a cheap, unnamed youngster who has fire in his eyes and who they can build up into a star using the iconic status of the Captain America symbol. Marvel are conducting a recession careful working practice on the comic book movies they are making. They severely reduced many of the big pay deals on
Iron Man 2 and won't be held to ransom by anyone. They nearly lost director
Jon Favreau for the same reason but he eventually stayed on board the
Iron Man sequel, and according to Mike Fleming - Joe Johnston had a similar hissy fit over his deal for
Captain America, but eventually backed down and an agreement was reached and he will direct. After seeing the job he did on
The Wolfman, I'm not sure that is something we can celebrate.