This is very cool.
AICN have been sent news of a movie event that's going down in London on June 10th. If your a
Hot Fuzz or just a cop movie fan in general then you won't want to miss this. Just be aware that it's first come, first served so make sure you get their early to avoid disappointment...
Come to The Hot Fuzztival Its Free!!! Join Hot Fuzz Director, Edgar Wright at the Prince Charles Cinema on June 10th as he takes you through his film inspirations for the action comedy box office smash Hot Fuzz. The film out to own and rent on DVD from June 11th will be shown along with exclusive live commentary from the director and cast from the film in the eveningand its all free! Showing times are as follows: 11:00 Hard Boiled 13:45 Last Boy Scout 16:30 Point Break 20:00 Hot Fuzz with LIVE AUDIO COMMENTARY FROM EDGAR WRIGHT AND CAST FROM THE FILM!
What a triple bill that is! An absolute classic
John Woo movie, an outrageous
Tony Scott action flick, Swayze and Reeves
going homo-erotic and then Hot Fuzz! All movies belong in the same bizarre universe and if you've seen Hot Fuzz I know you will be dying to go and see this, and if you haven't seen Hot Fuzz and live anywhere near London... you HAVE TO GO! Shame I live at the other side of the country.