Sony & Platinum Dunes Will Bring Us ZOMBIES VS. ROBOTS!
Sony and Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes (i.e. the guys behind the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street remakes) have picked up the rights to produce an adaptation of the IDW comic book Zombies Vs. Robots According to Deadline, video game screenwriter J.T. Petty (Splinter Cell) is using the comic as the basis for a new film entitled Inherit The Earth, which basically means that the cult hit comic will be making it onto the big screen, but under a different guise. This name change is presumably to cut ties with the upcoming Cowboys Vs. Aliens, which has nothing to do with this production but will inevitably lead many a Joe Average into thinking it is some sort of sequel, due to its similarly ridiculous title. The comics plot focuses upon a 'young girl who is the last survivor on earth,' who is 'protected by a group of robots from a pack of zombies that are intelligent and evolved'. I've never read the comic, but its high-concept has more than warranted my attention, even if perennial box-office shit-shoveler Michael Bay is on hand to produce. IDW and creators Chris Ryall and Ashley Wood must be rubbing their hands with joy thanks to the buzz that surrounded that Dead Island teaser reminding Hollywood that audiences go crazy for zombies. And if it's hit, their comics sequel is Zombies Vs. Robots vs. Amazons - and no, we aren't kidding.