Spectre: 6 Stupid Plot Holes That Ruined The Movie

6. Nobody Cares When A Huge Explosion Goes Off In An Incredibly Populated Area (During The Day Of The Dead)

To kick start with a doozy, then. During the otherwise excellent opening scene to Spectre, which takes place during the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico City, Bond tracks and assassinates an assassin named Marco Sciarra who - with a bunch of others - is planning to destroy a stadium under the orders of the evil organisation Spectre. In his attempts to kill the guy, though, Bond accidentally shoots a suitcase filled with explosives, which blows up half a building. Aaaaand nobody notices.... Seriously: an explosion goes off in a packed city during the busiest day of the year, and there's not a single acknowledgement from anybody anywhere. Bond returns to the street to pursue his target and the festivities are still going on as normal. Surely somebody would have seen a building collapsing right in the middle of everything? Nope. It's just ignored, which makes no sense given that the explosion happened in plain sight. What gives?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.