Spider-Man: Far From Home - Everything You Need To Know About Marvel's Multiverse

1. Secret Wars Could Be The Next Big Event

Marvel Secret Wars
Marvel Comics

Endgame writers Christopher Marcus and Stephen McFeely caused a bit of a commotion last month when they mentioned their interest in adapting Secret Wars to the MCU. The Russo Brothers had already indicated they were fans of the arc beforehand, and given the whole event revolves around the concept of a multiverse - the 2015 version specifically - the steps made in both Endgame and Far From Home brings a Secret Wars film closer to reality.

But what else, apart from Marcus, McFeely and the Russo Brothers' comments, is there to indicate that Secret Wars will be the next Endgame? Well quite a bit, actually. The MCU has taken inspiration from a wide variety of different sources, but particularly from Jonathan Hickman's stint on Avengers, which featured the multiverse front and centre up until its finale, which just so happened to be Secret Wars.

Hickman's books revolved around the idea of 'incursions', a temporal event where alternate realities encroached on Earth-616 and threatened the destruction of both realities. Secret Wars saw Doctor Doom wield the power of the Beyonder to create one, sole reality within the omniverse, which he ruled over with an iron grip.

Whatever the future holds, it's unlikely that Marvel will do a direct adaptation of Secret Wars. The multiverse does, however, open the door for much of the story's elements to make its way into a future Avengers film, one that could introduce both the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.


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