Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Answers A Huge Avengers: Endgame Question
So is this how we get the X-Men?

This is Tom Holland*: this article includes spoilers for the Far From Home trailer that relate to Endgame spoilers.
It's not often a trailer comes with a spoiler warning, but this is the reality of releasing a film so close to its predecessor (and two studios working together and trying not to stand on each other's toes).
As Avengers: Endgame continues to gobble up all of the money at the box office, Sony have released the second trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is aimed squarely at weaponising the Endgame hype and convincing us all that the sequel is best considered as a post-script for Endgame. That's why it's being counted as a Phase 3 movies, after all, and why it's released when it is.
Intriguingly, the trailer confirms that the cost of the snaps at the end of Endgame were a lot higher than anyone could have guessed. As Endgame revealed, the act of using the gauntlet caused a huge, unprecedented shockwave of energy to blossom out into the universe. Bruce Banner confirms it's gamma radiation, which was powerful enough to turn him into the Hulk and it's had other side-effects on this scale.
Namely, it's torn the universe in half. The trailer, rather shockingly, confirms the confirmation that Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio is from an alternate reality and came to our world thanks to a rift in space caused by the snap...
The trailer answers a fair few questions, like whether Peter would be wearing the Iron Spider suit, when it would be set and whether it would set up the rest of the MCU. Intriguingly, on that last front, it seems that Marvel have opened their multiverse and this could be how we get a new influx of characters and even the explanation that's missing for mutants so far.
What did you think of this trailer? Share your thoughts below.
*It's not really.