Spider-Man: Homecoming - 10 New Things We've Learned (Aug 19th)

5. There Literally IS A Homecoming Dance

The Tinkerer Mary Jane
Wikimedia Commons/Marvel

Obviously, the title of the movie is an allusion to the fact that Spider-Man has "come home" to Marvel, but there's actually also a far more simple explanation.

As we already know, there's a John Hughes vibe to the film, and it seems we'll even get to see an actual school dance to tie that spirit to the title.

Sony chairman Tom Rothman explained as much to IGN at the Ghostbusters premiere...

"It’s relevant to the story because it takes place in high school and there is a scene — that I guess I can give a little thing — at a homecoming dance. I’ve actually seen the dailies of it because we already did the high school shooting of it in the first couple weeks and it’s fantastic. But it’s also a homecoming to Marvel. And a homecoming to the cinematic universe that Spider-Man belongs in. So it’s a pretty unprecedented deal between two studios, but we’re really proud of it. And all I can tell you is, those guys at Marvel — I think the technical term is — they know their sh-t."

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