Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

4. Spidey's New Power Discoveries

Spider-Man: Homecoming Spider Tracer
Marvel Studios

In the Homecoming comic book that Marvel stole the name from - which came after the Secret Wars event and saw Peter debut the symbiote suit - most of the story sees Spider-Man testing out his new powers. In Civil War, his new suit comes with lots of new technological improvements he's not even sure of, and he spends some time testing them out.

In both cases, the comics share a major story element with Homecoming, which will see Peter testing the limits of his new suit, beginning with circumnavigating the "training wheels" protocol. Once the suit it fully his, we'll see all of the new bells and whistles, and as Tom Holland says “I’m definitely excited for you guys to see stuff that Spider-Man has never done before.”

Those changes are part of the agenda to make the film as different as possible, as Carroll explains:

“Scientific accidents gave almost everyone their powers in all five of the previous ones. So when we looked to reinvent the movie, we looked at what sort of tact we could take. And one was that all of the MCU movies try to have this quasi-plausibility, you know what I mean? As much as we can… we try to make it feel like the world we live in. And we felt like if a kid is running around in a skin-tight suit with all of these cool features, it’s probably going to be pretty high tech.”


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.