Spider-Man: Homecoming - 26 New Things We Just Learned

3. Iron Man's Role Is Actually Substantial

Spider-Man Homecoming Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

It turns out that Tony Stark wasn’t actually originally supposed to appear in Homecoming, but the dynamic between Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland in Civil War was so good they decided to write him into the story.

And the good news is that he's not just in for a cameo either: he has a strong presence as a reluctant mentor to Peter Parker over around five scenes that establish a big brother sort of relationship and as Holland says "it’s a very different side of Stark than you’ve ever seen before.”

Holland also revealed that RDJ gave him some choice acting advice too:

“I remember doing that scene with Robert, and I asked one of the prop guys, ‘Can you walk me through what we’re doing here? Because I was unscrewing a DVD player,’ and Robert was like, ‘Dude, I don’t know what Tony Stark does. He’s like, just act, dude. You got this.’ It was great!”

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