Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

15. The Ferry Goons

Spider Man Homecoming Tony And Peter
Marvel Studios

This definitely looks like one of the best action sequences. For some reason, Vulture's gang attack the Staten Island ferry - which definitely makes it seem like they're terrorists rather than just petty vengeful thieves. That would certainly fit with Toomes' talk of a class war.

There's also a first look at Michael Mando in this sequence, who had been conspicuous by his absence to date. Looks like he's just playing a lower level member of Toomes' gang...

Spider Man Homecoming Michael Mando
Marvel Studios

He's spared from the web slinging treatment though...

Spider Man Homecoming Web
Marvel Studios

There's a nice Easter Egg here - the licence plate in the background reads SM2-0563, which refers to the first appearance of Vulture in Amazing Spider-Man #2, published May, 1963 (05/63). Great catch by Twitter user Mike Sampson there.

We also then get a look at another of Peter's new technology augmentations that allows him to fire a delayed web charge...

Homecoming Trailer Web Gif
Marvel Studios

The casual use definitely suggests he's spent some time getting used to the new additions to his suit.


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