Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer 2 Breakdown - 34 Things You Must See

7. Spidey Versus Vulture

Vulture Swoop Spider-Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

As the trailer wraps up we get a battle between Peter and Vulture, which looks like the culmination of the plane scene teased at the start (given the fire all over the place). It doesn't look like it goes well for Peter, as Vulture threatens him not to interfere with his plot.

Vulture Fight Gif
Marvel Studios

Rather devastatingly for Peter, his mask is off at this point, which means Toomes knows who he is - making his threat of killing everyone he knows ring a little more true. It also means Vulture cannot survive this movie, if you're keeping up...

Spider-Man Homecoming Vulture
Marvel Studios

They also throw down inside Vulture's lock-up, making for an impressive looking sequence where Spidey uses the pillars to evade Vulture's swooping attacks. Made for a video game that sequence.

Spidey Looks Up Jpg
Marvel Studios

It's also another opportunity to see Spidey's homemade suit...

Spiderman homecoming homemade suit
Marvel Studios

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