Star Trek Beyond Trailer Breakdown: 35 Things You Need To See

8. Back To The Wreckage

Or back to A wreckage more specifically. As the new alien friend of the crew states, she knows what the crew are there for. Presumably that means the Enterprise is actually on the trail of someone or something when it encounters the new Dominion types. The fact that she states her awareness and then takes Scotty to what appears to be a downed starship suggests it is the object of the mission, and the means for the Enterprise crew's redemption. Scotty certainly seems mind-blown by the discovery.
Are we looking at the Titanic of Star Trek films? With the crew sent to find a missing ship lost on its own mission, which was shot down or seized by Idris Elba's forces? Or maybe this is an alternate timeline Enterprise, which would be enough to make Scotty look like that.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.