Star Trek Director has "Lost" the plot

teaserposter.jpgI'm a Star Trek fan but i'm by no means a radical or anything. I mean I like most of the movies and I enjoy watching a program from the series every now and again but I can't speak Klingon and I don't go to coventions or anything. When I heard that J.J. Abrams, the executive producer of Lost was set to helm a new Star Trek movie I started to get really exicted (although to be fair, I would be exicted whoever was to direct a new movie because the franchise looked like it was dead). But with all this talk of "restarting" the franchise with something with such a history as Star Trek and basically telling current fans that love the old stuff a big F U, I'm starting to get really worried. Here is quote from an "insider" source on cinematical... "Trek fans were not able to keep the last show (Enterprise) on the air and we are looking on bringing over Alias and Lost fans. And if the old Trekkies like the new movie, great -- if not, too bad. We have to boldly go where no Star Trek has gone before." Fair enough the "insider" source could have been made by a cleaner in Abrams' office or something so take it for what it is, but it does seem to co-incide with everything we have been hearing about the project. Star Trek fans what do you think of "restarting" the franchise and rewriting the history you have grown up with? Anyone think it's a good idea and defintly the way to go. As much as I like Lost, Star Trek is not Lost and should never be. source - cinematical

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.