Star Trek Into Darkness: 10 Great Things (And 10 Not So Great Things)

2. Vengeance Isn't Served Cold This Time

Star Trek Into Darkness 2

After seeking pure vengeance for the death of his friend and Captain Spock sends himself down to San Francisco to deal swift and deadly retribution to the fleeing Khan. They run and run though any and all barriers in their way, but Spock is a man on a mission he's just going to kill him. Only one problem Khan has the cure for dying of radiation sickness, they need him alive and well. Putting aside the fact that they still have 72 other augmented humans they could draw blood from, I do like that they don't kill off Khan or his men, this time around at least. It is a good message, no one wins seeking vengeance, Spock's momentary blood lust an example of that, he nearly destroys the one chance to get Kirk back. The theme of not killing in cold-blood is also presented as Spock takes all of Khan's crew out of the torpedoes before blowing them up in the Vengeance's hold.

1. Great Character Moments

star trek into darkness 2 Continuing the long tradition with the rest of the films and T.V shows of Trek giving us memorable characters and interactions 'Into Darkness' ups the ante with many of its cast members giving it their all. As mentioned previously Benedict Cumberbatch steals every scene he is in with his steely resolved Khan, Chris Pine has his "I'm Scared..." scene, Zachary Quinto continues to channel his inner Vulcan, Simon Pegg lightens the mood with his antics, Karl Urban channels his inner crotchety-old doctor, Zoe Saldana has to confront Klingons on their own turf, John Cho gets to take the Captain's chair delivering Khan's ultimatum, and add-on Peter Weller is excellent as Admiral Robocop. The chemistry between the cast is great all around, giving the feel that these people have known and worked closely with each other for many years. This has been the back-bone of the popular Sci-Fi series, since its inception, characters to cherish and root for as the audience heads far beyond the stars. As an extra nod to character the film itself is dedicated to post-9/11 vets, furthering Star Trek's legacy of creating an allegory for current events into the not-so-distant future. Indeed. the effects of terror and paranoia run constant throughout the film's story, truly a journey Into Darkness. We can only hope characters like Kirk, Spock, Bones, Uhura and Scotty can lead us out of it. Like this article? Agree of disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.

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