Star Trek Into Darkness: 10 Plot Rumours We Hope Are True

1. John Harrison Is Connected To/Is Khan Noonien Singh

1 khan We all want it to be true in some form, don't we? Before the film even got an official title, likely before they even announced they were doing a sequel altogether, rumours were flying around that legendary Star Trek villain Khan Noonien Singh would be the big bad for Kirk's next big screen outing. These rumours only got more out of control once Benedict Cumberbatch was attached, reportedly playing the film's villain, the name of which was kept tightly under wraps. Suddenly, you couldn't move for people saying how great Cumberbatch would be as Khan, which probably made the fact that we learned the actual name of Cumberbatch's role appears to be John Harrison. Such a mundane name for a terrorist, don't you think? Harrison might just be an entirely new creation for the new series of Star Trek films, or perhaps he is an amalgamation of different Trek characters into one, deadly, British package. What we're all secretly hoping for, though, is that Harrison is really connected to Khan in some way. What if 'John Harrison' is just an alias? Maybe Harrison went through the same events as Khan in this universe? Perhaps he works for Khan, making the biggest on screen cliffhanger that will make us physically unable to wait for a third film. We won't know for sure until the film hits the big screen on May 17th and let me tell you, if you don't see the film on the day it comes out, you had better stay off the internet until you do. By keeping as much of the film as possible a secret, J. J. Abrams has ensured that not only is everyone on the same page going into the film but also, more importantly, everyone literally cannot stop talking about the film. Well played, Mr. Abrams. What do you think of these Star Trek: Into Darkness rumours? What do you hope will happen in the film? Heard any rumours that didn't appear on the list? Post your comments below!

A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24