2. The Emotion
The Wrath Of Khan is a superficially emotional story - it is a very traditional tale of good vs evil, and the clash of two heavy-weights, but there isn't a great deal at stake (albeit until Spock decides to save the Enterprise) for the audience. As a spectacle, there is little to really criticise the film, but in comparison to Into Darkness, the narrative is detached, and without that tangible emotional element that gives Abrams' sequel the edge. There is way too much humour, admittedly, and the presentation of Scotty (not necessarily the performance) cheapens some of the emotional impact of the finale, but Abrams' sequel is a world way in emotional terms from the relatively light-hearted romp that was his original Star Trek. And rather than simply going darker, and more detached, as Nolan did for The Dark Knight Rises, Abrams gave us something to really care about, and the result is a Star Trek film that at times really gets under the skin of the audience, and even threatens to inspire a few tears. The blend between mature content and the explosive set-pieces adds depth, and there is nothing superficial about how entertaining the film is.