Star Trek: Ranking Every Starfleet Uniform Worst To Best

1. Star Trek Beyond

Star Trek Kirk McCoy Scotty
Paramount Pictures

Blending the sophistication of Robert Blackman's Star Trek: The Next Generation costumes with the 1960s roots of William Ware Theiss' original Starfleet uniforms, Sanja Milkovic Hays' Star Trek Beyond costumes are the high watermark of Trek fashion.

Using Michael Kaplan's updated costumes from Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness as a jumping off point, Hayes' Beyond attire is a more formal and refined evolution of the Kelvin Timeline style; a reflection of the more mature crew in their third outing.

Kaplan's playful, screen printed tunics are replaced with sleek lines and lush materiality with darker color panels that make the uniforms appear structured. Like Kaplan before her, Hays retained The Original Series' miniskirt variant for female officers, but (unlike the previous two films) finally added sleeves and rank stripes for Lieutenant Uhura – a minor but welcome change.

As modern costume designers have moved Star Trek's style forward by adding details to their uniforms, Hays took the opposite approach, simplifying her costumes and making her contribution to the franchise Star Trek's most elegant uniforms yet.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).