Star Trek's 10 Most Iconic English Villains

1. Malcolm McDowell - Dr. Tolian Soran

Star Trek Into Darkness Benedict Cumberbatch

While Khan may have been Kirk's nemesis, ultimately it would be an El-Aurian scientist which would see the 23rd Century's greatest hero finally meet his match. Although there could perhaps be no nobler endeavour than teaming up with a fellow Captain of the Enterprise to save the inhabitants of an entire planet, the actions of Dr. Tolian Soran would always make him the ultimate villain. As such it seems fitting that he was portrayed by an actor most famous for embodying the ultraviolent criminal Alex in Stanley Kubrik's infamous A Clockwork Orange.

With a plan so dastardly it involves destroying entire star systems, getting back to the heavenly Nexus it wasn't something he could do alone, and Soran had his own partnership with the cowardly Klingon sisters, Lursa and B'Etor. In addition to stealing trilithium from the Romulans, and kidnapping Geordi La Forge, he was also responsible for the destruction of the USS Enterprise D, when he gave the shield frequencies of Starfleet's flagship to the Klingons.

This was nothing compared to causing the death of a Starfleet legend however, but it's not something the universe will allow you to get away with. His plans were eventually brought to an end by Kirk's successor, Jean-Luc Picard in a fight to the death in a barren alien landscape, which was ultimately fought by two men from Yorkshire.

He may not have kept his appointment with the Nexus, but being the man responsible for the death of James T. Kirk ensured that Dr. Tolian Soran is a name that will be remembered for eternity.


One man fate has made indescribable