Star Trek's 10 Most Iconic English Villains

5. Benedict Cumberbatch - Khan

Star Trek Into Darkness Benedict Cumberbatch

With the new crew having firmly established their rightful place on the bridge of the Enterprise in the previous movie, Into Darkness focused all the attention on whether Benedict Cumberbatch could fill the shoes of Star Trek's most iconic villain, Khan Noonien Singh. Luckily he managed to impress critics with the intense calculating menace he brought to the role, and was widely regarded as one of the better elements in a film which largely divided audiences.

Following 1982's The Wrath Of Khan far too closely that it even veered into the territory of becoming a parody, it did at least have a number of original elements which worked in its favour. Most notable of these was Khan working side by side with his his should be nemesis, James T. Kirk. But whether working with or against each other, it was seeing these two leaders each out to protect their own families which gave their relationship something Montalban and Shatner's was admittedly lacking.

Ultimately though, the film's biggest flaw was brought up when many rightly questioned the fact that a white actor was cast in a role originally brought to life by Mexican actor Ricardo Montalban, even if it was initially offered to Benicio Del Toro. Even worse however, the fact that a prequel comic miniseries literally whitewashed his original Indian heritage was probably the biggest act of villainy of all...


One man fate has made indescribable