Star Wars: 10 Best Pieces Of The Expanded Universe

8. The Sun Crusher

When A New Hope first premiered, the idea that a space station could be so powerful that it could destroy entire planets, was amazing. OK, so the architects were somewhat lax with the whole exhaust port thing, but hey, they were the freakin€™ Empire for God€™s sake. No one was going to mess with them. When the morons couldn€™t come up with anything better in Return Of The Jedi than another second Death Star, it was apparent that both Palpatine and George Lucas were running on fumes in terms of creativity. Enter the Sun Crusher. Although the smallest of the super-weapons, the Sun Crusher was one of the most deadly. It was capable of making any star within its range go supernova. Thus, it could basically wipe entire galaxies off of the map simply by targeting its sun. Once the sun went supernova, everything around it died too. Much like what has happened to the Sun Crusher, now.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.